Friday, June 25, 2010

National REIA Mid-Year Conference - Day 1

Ideas to bring back to Kansas City from National REIA Mid Year conference - day 1.

Members, please give me feedback

  • I Pad - saw these on the plane on the way here - way cool.  Don DeRosa is integrating them in his training program.  Get an Ipad with all of his training and all of his tools preloaded with instruction.  This is too cool.
  • Recording meetings like we already do, but then making CD's to sell them rather than downloads from the web site.  If you want to make CD's or DVD's for your own markeitng we talked about a sesrvice - KUNAKI??  have not looked it up yet.
  • Women In Real Estate - sub group for the ladies only.  Maybe in Kansas City we could combine efforts with the local WIRE chapter.
  • For a meeting idea - have an "As a Dumb Question Night" with a panel who answers any audience question.
  • Have our more experienced members create and teach a class.  Great for the business associates to share their expertise and gain new clients.
  • Weekly Breakfast Sub Group at Ihop for the more experienced investors 
  • Market Update once a quarter at the meetings 
  • 15 mintes of I have this to share or I need this at the beginnig of each meeting
  • Take real live actual deals from the audience and have 3 different investor analyze it for their way of inesting.
  • And I have been talking with Edwin Kelly from Equity Trust about an all day Self Directed IRA training and networking meeting to get us all working together and utilizing self directed IRA's and private lending among the group more.
That's all for today, let me know your thoughts on these ideas and share some of your own.

Will have more after today I hope.

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