Sunday, April 25, 2010

Web Sites for Real Estate Investors

When Than Merrill was in Kansas City in March to talk about Marketing and Wholesaling real estate, he talked about a lot of tools to help real estate investors work smarter, not harder.

One must have tool he talked about was a web site.

We have several options from free to for a fee.

You can do a lot of stuff yourself using or google sites.

Just be sure to have a message that is targeted to your audience and then give away something like a free report in exchange for name and email address:

We have found a great tool to add forms to your site: allows you to create a form to collect information and have it send an email to where ever you want and redirect the viewer to another page with the free report.

Now you can use the free sites to create your own web site or you could turn to a premade web site that has templates that are fully customizable, property marketing, email follow up, auto responders.

One web site that Than Merrill recommended and that we have used in the past with great satisfaction is
INetUSA  They have prices from $24.95 a month to about $75 a month depending on the different services you access.  And if you visit Than's CT Homes web site, you will see he is currently using .INetUSA  

It also has one other option, you can "turn on" google ads fairly easily and if you get any amount of traffic to your web site, you may be able to collect enough clicks on the google ads each month to pay for the web site.

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