Friday, May 14, 2010

Open Houses sell

In a recent article "Open Houses that Work" in the Realtor magazine, author Marcie Geffner outlines how many Realtors still use to great effectiveness the Open House.

Her article outlines some of the best practices for holding a house open from the Realtor perspective and that is (1) to sell the house being held open and (2) get more seller and buyer customers.

So all the marketing of the open house beforehand online and through signage that she talks about is a big plus in getting folks in the house so that either they would buy it or tell a friend who might buy it.

On the other hand they talk about packets of info that they create before hand to give to the people walking through.  If you are an investor holding your house open are you really looking to get more potential buyers and sellers like a Realtor, probably not, but your packets are just as important.

For example lets say you renovate in a particular market.  Having a packet that includes buying information and area information as well as other houses in the area for sale are great.  The attendees may not care for the particular house you have, but they like what you have done with it.  Then when they go look at all the other houses you have provided them and they find them lacking, they might come back to you wanting to see what else you might have now or comming up in a month or so.

You could also collect all those potential leads and share them with a local realtor who might in turn provide you with comps or refer the junker houses back to you.  It can all be a trade off.

But wether you are a Realtor or and Investor, you need to check out the article as it has some great informtion. 

Click to read

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