Monday, April 5, 2010

Email Marketing

As real estate investors, realtors, mortgage lenders, contractors or just about any business out there in the Kansas City Market from Liberty to Spring Hill and Grain Valley to DeSoto or anywhere in the country for that matter, we will be utilizing Email Marketing.  And if you do your job right you will be emailing to more than just 10 or 12 people.  You will be working to build an list of people who receive your emails in the 100's of email addresses.

Once you are sending out emails to more than 10 people you start hitting snags in remembering to use Blind Carbon Copy, getting your email past spam filters, being able to just click one send button and send out more than 50 emails at once.  To do all of this, you need some sort of email marketing service provider.

Three email service providers you should check out are:


constant contact

infusion crm

All 3 have templates, can send out 100's of emails at once, have tools you can embed in your web sites to collect emails automatically for your newsletter, and I think have free trials.

And be sure to stay tuned because over the next few weeks we will be sharing a few articles to help you understand how to use email marketing:

  1. Email Deliverability Tips
  2. Email Newsletter Open Rates
  3. Confirmed Opt-in Myths Exposed
  4. Putting the "Service" Back in "Custmer Service
  5. Spam:  Where it Came From, and How to Escape It
  6. Meat and Potatoes for your Affiliate Diet
  7. Do Your Potential Customers Forget About You?
  8. Holiday Action Saves a Sour Shopping Season (yep, not quite Christmas, but we need to know early)
And to save you time, we are not going to spread these out over so many months that you forget you were coming back to read our posts, we should have one article a week starting this week.  Be sure to subscribe to our blog at the right so you don't miss an article.  Once they are all posted, we will try to come back and link this article to all the other posts.

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