Sunday, November 1, 2009

Expand and Extend the Homebuyer Tax Credit

This is from the Realtor Action Center from National Association of Realtors

Thank you for your continued support to Expand and Extend the Homebuyer Tax Credit.

We need to ask for your help one more time. Please make a quick call to your Senator's office to ask for cloture on the Unemployment Insurance Extension bill that contains the tax credit provision. This cloture vote is scheduled for Monday evening. Sixty Senators must vote yes so that a vote can be scheduled on the tax credit.

Count me in. I am ready to make my call*.

It is easy. Just enter your phone number to be connected to your Senator's office. You will receive a phone call immediately and it will have some handy talking points on what to say before connecting you to their office.*

The vote is on Monday at 5 PM. So if you make the call this weekend, leave a voicemail with the provided talking points. Otherwise, save this email and make the call first thing on Monday morning in order to speak to a member of the Senator's staff.

This call is important. The tax credit will not get voted on unless we can get past this critical legislative procedure. All you need to say once you are connected:

  • I am a constituent and a REALTOR®.   (or I am a constiuent and a Real Estate Professional)
  • Thank you for helping to ensure the ongoing recovery of the housing market.
  • As a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, I appreciate your support to expand and extend the tax credit.   (or as a member of the National Real Estate Investors Association (or your REIA group), I appreciate your support to expand and extend the tax credit.)

The $8000 first-time homebuyer tax credit will end soon. The housing market is stabilizing and improving, but the housing market crisis won't end this year. We can't wait until late in the year to see what happens. Please call NOW and tell your Senators to help get the tax credit to a vote*.

*Standard text messaging fees and rates apply

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